Total 23 Results for:
Showing 23 out of 23 results
29 August 2014
Australian joint ventures – are EU and Chinese anti-trust approvals required? Peut-être / yěxǔ (perhaps)
29 July 2014
Everyone’s a winner: David Jones’ Scheme is approved
29 July 2014
Defective disclosure of substantial holdings: parties can’t hide behind the passage of time
29 July 2014
Panel publishes updated position on frustrating action, takeover summaries and dividends
30 June 2014
Titanic II: sinking slowly - The President's Club judicial review is dismissed
30 June 2014
Disclosure of indicative approaches – what is current market practice?
30 June 2014
Panel lifts the veil on aggregated intention statements
29 May 2014
Takeovers Panel composition
29 April 2014
All-at-sea – ASIC takes aim at Mariner and its directors
29 April 2014
Lantern illuminates Panel’s thinking on buy backs
7 February 2014
New takeover policies on frustrating action, dividends and summaries in takeovers documents
Showing 23 out of 23 results