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Showing 64 out of 64 results
17 January 2012
Herbert Smith co-hosts client seminar on mediation success
On 16 November 2011, Herbert Smith co-hosted a client seminar entitled "What defines success in mediation?". This event was one of a series of "Y-ADR" …
06 September 2011
Herbert Smith gains two new CEDR-accredited mediators
Gary Milner-Moore and Rupert Shiers, both partners in the Dispute Resolution division, have just become CEDR-accredited mediators. Rupert, who is a …
31 January 2011
Herbert Smith wins ADR awards on both sides of the Atlantic
Herbert Smith was honoured to receive the award for 'significant achievement in the field of dispute resolution' from CEDR (the Centre for Effective …
09 November 2009
Herbert Smith wins CPR Institute Award
In January 2009, the International Institute for Conflict Prevention & Resolution (the CPR Institute) based in New York presented its annual law firm …
Showing 64 out of 64 results