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Tag: africa

Showing 12 out of 13 results

15 March 2022

London Launch Event - Guide to Dispute Resolution in Africa, 3rd Edition 

22 February 2017

South Africa: Proposed new rules for mediation (to the exclusion of arbitration) in investor-state disputes

Draft Regulations have been published by the South African government setting out rules for the mediation of investor-state disputes (to the …

05 October 2016

Guide to Dispute Resolution in Africa: 2nd edition

Herbert Smith Freehills has published an updated second edition of our Guide to Dispute Resolution in Africa, a publication summarising …

20 October 2015

Launch of landmark global conference series on the future of dispute resolution

Herbert Smith Freehills is pleased to announce the launch of The Global Pound Conference (GPC) Series 2016-17. The aim of this ambitious …

17 September 2013

Alternative dispute resolution in Africa (Part 6)

Further to our previous five posts (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 and Part 5) on the use of ADR in Africa we now feature in the final part the responses …

18 July 2013

Alternative dispute resolution in Africa (Part 5)

Further to our previous four posts (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 and Part 4) on the use of ADR in Africa we now feature in part 5 the responses from Niger, …

01 May 2013

Alternative dispute resolution in Africa (Part 4)

Further to our previous three posts (Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3) on the use of ADR in Africa we now feature in part 4 the responses from Liberia, Libya, …

11 April 2013

Alternative dispute resolution in Africa (Part 3)

Further to our previous two posts (Part 1 and Part 2) on the use of ADR in Africa we now feature in part 3 the responses from Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, …

02 April 2013

Alternative dispute resolution in Africa (Part 2)

Further to our previous post on the use of ADR in Africa we now feature in part 2 the responses from Burundi, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Central African …

21 March 2013

Herbert Smith Freehills launches ground-breaking Guide to Dispute Resolution in Africa

On 19 March 2013, at a seminar in London attended by over 150 delegates, specialists from across our award-winning Africa practice addressed latest …

22 September 2012

New Lagos High Court Rules make ADR compulsory

In an attempt to tackle the backlog of cases in Lagos' courts, the High Court of Lagos State Civil Procedure Rules 2012 (the 2012 Rules) have replaced …

22 July 2012

Surge in use of ADR to resolve disputes in Ghana

Statistics issued by the Court Connected Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Centre show that between 2007 and 2011 out of 16,080 disputes around …