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Showing 72 out of 90 results
Dubai Court of Cassation dismisses claim for damages made against arbitral tribunal
Dubai’s Court of Cassation dismisses Meydan Group’s claim against Doug Jones, Humphrey Lloyd QC and Stephen Furst QC who were acting as arbitrators in a …
Federal Court of Australia preserves the efficiency and integrity of the arbitration process
A recent decision by the Federal Court of Australia has highlighted the diligence of Courts to ensure non-interference with the arbitral process. The …
The Proliferation of "Soft Laws" in International Arbitration: Time to Draw the Line?
Paula Hodges QC, Partner and Head of the Global Arbitration Practice at Herbert Smith Freehills has published an article on the impact of the …
Paris Court of Appeal orders the retraction of an award made where one arbitrator lacked independence: the ongoing Tapie saga
In a remarkable judgment of 17 February 2015, rendered further to a rarely-seen application for revision of an arbitral award (which in this case lead to …
English Court construes arbitration agreement reconciling two conflicting arbitration clauses
In the recent decision Transgrain Shipping BV v Deiulemar Shipping SpA (in liq) & Eleni Shipping Ltd [2014] EWHC 4202 (Comm), the English Commercial …
Publication of New IBA Guidelines on Conflict of Interests in International Arbitration – the key changes
On 23 October 2014, the IBA Council passed a resolution adopting the anticipated revision to its "IBA Guidelines on Conflicts of Interests in …
Paris Court of Appeal considers scope of arbitrator's obligation to disclose any potential conflicts of interest
The Paris Court of Appeal has overturned a judgment granting exequatur (order for enforcement) of an arbitral award as a result of the sole …
Procedural fairness as a ground for setting aside awards: what's fair is fair
In its recent decision in Triulzi Cesare SRL v Xinyi Group (Glass) Co Ltd [2014] SGHC 220, the Singapore High Court considered the grounds on which an …
Law Commission of India proposes wide-ranging changes to the country's arbitration regime
The Law Commission of India has proposed major amendments to the Arbitration & Conciliation Act, 1996 (the "Arbitration Act") in order to remedy a …
French Supreme Court refuses to set aside ICC award in favour of the Congo
In Groupe Antoine Tabet c/ la République du Congo, Cass. Civ. 1re, n° 11-16444 of 25 June 2014, the French Supreme Court (Cour de …
Recent Developments in India-related international arbitration
Herbert Smith Freehills has issued the latest edition of its Indian international arbitration e-bulletin. This issue considers some significant decisions …
New ruling of the French Cour de cassation in the Tecnimont judicial saga on challenge of an arbitrator
In Avax v Tecnimont (Civ. 1ère, 25 June 2014, pourvoi n° 11-26.529) the French Supreme Court reviewed the Paris Court of Appeal’s decision regarding the …
Showing 72 out of 90 results
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