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In light of the widespread impact of COVID-19, various pieces of guidance have been published which companies should be aware of.

Company meetings and other corporate actions

  • Dividends – The London Stock Exchange (LSE) has published guidance in Market Notice N07/20 on payment dates under the 2020 Dividend Procedure Timetable. The Dividend Procedure Timetable says that issuers should pay cash dividends within 30 business days of the record date. However, from 25 March 2020, the LSE will permit a deferral period of up to 30 business days for payment of a dividend, but to no more than 60 business days after the record date. An issuer must notify the LSE of any deferral of a dividend payment without delay. After the deferral period has expired, the dividend must either be paid or cancelled. Issues to consider around the payment of dividends are also discussed in the FRC guidance referred to in the corporate reporting section below.
  • Company meetings – The Government has announced that it will introduce legislation to ensure that companies required by law to hold annual general meetings (AGMs) will be able to do so in light of the restrictions on movement and gatherings. It says that companies will be given greater flexibility to hold AGMs online or to postpone the meetings but the detailed provisions are not yet available. ICSA: The Chartered Governance Institute has published an updated version of its guidance on holding AGMs and guidance on virtual board meetings.
  • Proposed changes to insolvency law – The Government has announced that it will introduce a number of proposed changes to UK insolvency law in response to COVID-19. Whilst the detail of the changes is not yet available, the announcement indicates that they will enable companies undergoing a rescue or restructure process to continue trading, giving them breathing space that could help them avoid insolvency. They will also enable companies to continue buying supplies and will temporarily suspend wrongful trading provisions retrospectively from 1 March 2020. Our restructuring, turnaround and insolvency team has published a briefing on what form the changes may take.
  • Share issues – The Pre-Emption Group has published a statement recommending that investors consider supporting, on a case by case basis, issuances by companies of up to 20% of their issued share capital (rather than the usual 5% for general corporate purposes, plus an additional 5% for acquisitions, that it usually recommends). The statement indicates that this is only a temporary relaxation and sets out steps for companies seeking to take advantage of this flexibility. For further information, see this briefing published by our ECM team.
  • Stock transfer forms – HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) has published details of a new process for stock transfer forms and payment of stamp duty, in light of COVID-19. Stock transfer forms should no longer be posted to HMRC but instead an electronic copy (e.g. a scanned PDF) of the stock transfer form, or in the case of purchase of own shares of Form SH03, should be emailed to HMRC. HMRC also says that it will accept e-signatures while COVID-19 measures are in place and that stamp duty must be paid before HMRC can process the form.

Corporate reporting

  • Listed company annual report and accounts – The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has published a statement which, in effect, gives listed companies an additional two months to finalise their annual report and accounts as the FCA says that it will not suspend the listing of companies if they publish financial statements within six months of their year-end. The Q&A to accompany the FCA statement confirms that the FCA statement does not currently extend to half yearly financial reports. The FCA has published an updated version of its Primary Market Bulletin No. 27 to reflect this (see our blog post for more information on PMB No. 27).
  • AIM company accounts – The LSE has said that AIM companies can apply for a three-month extension to the deadline for publication of their annual accounts.
  • Filing accounts at Companies House – Companies House has said that it will grant a three month extension for companies to file their accounts. Companies must apply for the extension but those citing issues around COVID-19 will be automatically and immediately granted an extension.
  • FRC guidance for companies preparing financial statements – The Financial Reporting Council (FRC) has published guidance for companies preparing financial statements. It highlights some key areas for boards in maintaining strong corporate governance as well as providing high-level guidance on preparation of annual reports and other corporate reporting matters.
  • Gender pay gap reporting – The Government has suspended enforcement of the gender pay gap deadlines for this reporting year (2019/20) and there will be no expectation on employers to report their data.
  • Preliminary results announcements – The FCA has asked listed companies to delay announcement of their preliminary results for a period of two weeks. Further details on the moratorium, which is voluntary, can be found in a Q&A published alongside the FCA statement.

For further information, see this post on our Corporate Notes blog.

Other relevant developments

  • Managing liquidity – As both economic production and consumption contract rapidly, many businesses are facing cash flow difficulties. We have published a briefing in which we consider options open to companies to help manage liquidity.
  • Job retention scheme – HMRC has published more details on the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme. Our employment team has published a briefing on the new guidance.

For further information on these and other COVID-19 related issues, see our COVID-19 Hub and sign up for our Global Webinar Series.

Sarah Hawes photo

Sarah Hawes

Head of Corporate Knowledge, UK, London

Sarah Hawes
Antonia Kirkby photo

Antonia Kirkby

Professional Support Consultant, London

Antonia Kirkby
Gavin Williams photo

Gavin Williams

Global Co-Head of Infrastructure, London

Gavin Williams

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Sarah Hawes photo

Sarah Hawes

Head of Corporate Knowledge, UK, London

Sarah Hawes
Antonia Kirkby photo

Antonia Kirkby

Professional Support Consultant, London

Antonia Kirkby
Gavin Williams photo

Gavin Williams

Global Co-Head of Infrastructure, London

Gavin Williams
Sarah Hawes Antonia Kirkby Gavin Williams