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Happy International Data Privacy Day! And what better day than today, to explore what 2022 is likely to have in store for data and privacy?

One year on from the introduction of the UK GDPR in a post-Brexit Britain. Two years on from the start of a global pandemic which forced a discussion around the tension between public health and data privacy. And over three years on from the GDPR coming into force across Europe, and by extension the world. But the passing of time does not appear to have diminished the worldwide focus on data and privacy issues.

In this post, we set out some predictions for data protection and privacy UK and EU developments in the year to come.

UK Data Protection Reform

2021 was the year that the UK Government hinted that it might think outside of the box in terms of data protection regulation. In September 2021, the UK Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport ("DCMS") published its wide-ranging consultation on data protection reform. The DCMS Consultation is the first step in the Government’s plan to deliver on ‘Mission 2’ of the National Data Strategy, underpinned by a desire to boost innovation and economic growth for UK businesses while strengthening public trust in the use of data. The proposals were expansive, seeking to create an adaptable and dynamic set of data protection rules that underpin the trustworthy use of data. They mark a move away from a rigid set of rules, towards a more outcome focussed regime, in order to reduce burdens on business. The consultation closed in November 2021 and the results are expected in Spring 2022. For further detail about the reform proposals, please see our blog post, available here.

A new regulator for the UK

On 4 January 2022, John Edwards began his new role as UK Information Commissioner today, on a five year term. The new regulator spent the past eight years as New Zealand Privacy Commissioner, and before that worked as a barrister. He succeeded Elizabeth Denham CBE, whose term as UK Information Commissioner ended last year. The new Information Commissioner's agenda/approach/priorities will become clearer during his first full year in the role. However, it seems likely that one of his top priorities for 2022 will likely be the introduction of the Age Appropriate Design Code to better protect children online, together with the Online Safety Bill.

The fallout from enforcement – privacy notices and cookies

2021 saw some significant enforcement action – including fines of EUR 746 million, EUR 225 million and EUR 150 million. Interestingly, these significant fines haven’t resulted from big data security breaches but rather we have seen a regulatory focus on data protection principles –particularly transparency – and cookies. Whilst in the UK at least, it is possible that current rules around cookie consents may be 'relaxed' as a result of the data reform proposals described above, its seems likely that this kind of significant enforcement could result in widespread updates to privacy notices and cookies practices in 2022. For further details regarding the likely impact on privacy notices in particular, please see our summary, available here[1].

Testing the EU cooperation mechanism

Although 2021 has seen significant EU GDPR enforcement action as described above, it has also shone a spotlight on the apparent differences of opinion between Member State regulators when it comes to enforcement. In the 2021 WhatsApp enforcement action, objections raised by the EU regulators to the Irish Commissioner's proposed enforcement resulted a referral to the EDPB for resolution. In December 2021, concerned MEPs also sent a letter to EU Commissioner Reynders to raise concerns about how the Irish Commissioner enforces the GDPR and applies the GDPR’s cooperation mechanism. The MEPs reportedly asked Commissioner Reynders to initiate infringement proceedings against the Irish Commissioner. What is clear is that there is a significant discrepancy between EU supervisory authorities regarding enforcement and the appropriate approach to the same. Could 2022 be the year that the GDPR's cooperation mechanism is tested to its limits? Or could we see individual Member State regulators forging their own path?

International data transfers – Volume 1 (EU SCC re-papering)

On 27 September 2021, the new EU standard contractual clauses ("New EU SCCs") came into force for the transfer of personal data from the EEA to third countries under the EU GDPR. From that date, the New EU SCCs have been used for any new agreements entered into that rely on model EU data transfer clauses to legitimise the transfer of personal data from the EEA to third countries under the EU GDPR. Existing Agreements incorporating the old EU SCCs remain valid and provide appropriate safeguards until 27 December 2022, meaning that for many organisations 2022 is likely to involve the not insignificant task of “re-papering” agreements relying on the old EU SCCs and replacing them with the new EU SCCs. For further details regarding the New EU SCCs, please see our blog posts, available here and here.

International data transfers – Volume 2 (the UK position)

In August 2021, the UK Information Commissioner published a consultation on international data transfers. The regulator published a draft international data transfer agreement to address transfers of personal data outside of the UK; a draft international transfer risk assessment guidance note and tool; and a draft UK addendum for inclusion to the European Commission’s standard contractual clauses. The consultation closed on 7 October 2021 and we expect to see legislative proposals in 2022, which will finally give organisations certainty on the approach that the UK is taking to international data transfers, although it is unlikely to be the end of the data transfer saga depending upon the results of the DCMS data protection reform consultation described above. For further details regarding the ICO's international data transfer proposals, please see our blog post, available here.

International data transfers – Volume 3 (Safe Harbor 3.0?)

Shortly after the Schrems II judgment, the US Department of Commerce and the European Commission initiated discussions to evaluate the potential for an enhanced EU-US Privacy Shield framework to comply with the ruling. However, discussions do not seem to have obviously progressed much during 2021 and, without root and branch reform of US surveillance law, it remains unclear how any such framework would avoid the fate of its predecessors the Privacy Shield and US Safe Harbor. Could 2022 be the year that governments in multiple jurisdictions manage to find a way through the legal complexities raised by the Schrems II judgment in order to allow the international transfer of data on a practical level?

ePrivacy and cookies

We have covered the proposed ePrivacy Regulation in our previous data protection predictions and yet the question remains as to whether 2022 is going to be the year that this legislation makes it through the process. Even without the proposed new EU Regulation, some EU regulators have made their focus on cookies very clear – the CNIL has recently taken significant enforcement action against both Google and Facebook for breaches of the cookie rules. The recent DCMS data protection reform consultation also focussed in part on cookies and questioned the appropriateness of the current rules relating to cookie consents. As a result, whether via legislative or reform or regulator action, it seems clear that cookies will be a special dish in 2022.

Tech vs data regulation – the race continues

2021 has seen a continued focus from organisations and regulators alike on innovative technologies and, in particular, AI. Uptake of AI by organisations appears to have increased alongside attempts by data protection regulators to keep pace, protect the privacy of individuals, and ensure fairness in an increasingly AI-driven world. An example of this was the UK Information Commissioner's 2021 consultation in relation to the use of the beta version of its AI and data protection risk mitigation and management toolkit. We expect to see even more focus in 2022 on the use of AI and innovative technologies against the backdrop of data privacy legislation. For further details on the ICO AI consultation, please see our blog post, available here.

Class actions reborn?

In November 2021, the Supreme Court overturned the Court of Appeal’s decision in the high profile Lloyd v Google case, which could have opened the floodgates for class actions for compensation for loss of control of personal data to be brought on behalf of very large numbers of individuals without identifying class members. The case was brought under the DPA 1998, rather than the GDPR which superseded it. Whilst there may be read across to the current UK GDPR regime, Lord Leggatt specifically stated that he was not considering the later legislation and this could potentially leave the door open for future loss of control claims under the current law. After Morrisons and now Lloyd v Google, could 2022 be the year that we see another attempted data class action reach the courts? For further details regarding the Supreme Court judgment in the Lloyd v Google case, please see our blog post available here.

[1] First published by LexisNexis in October 2021

Miriam Everett photo

Miriam Everett

Partner, Global Head of Data Protection and Privacy, London

Miriam Everett
Duc Tran photo

Duc Tran

Of Counsel, London

Duc Tran
Angela Chow photo

Angela Chow

Senior Associate, London

Angela Chow

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Miriam Everett photo

Miriam Everett

Partner, Global Head of Data Protection and Privacy, London

Miriam Everett
Duc Tran photo

Duc Tran

Of Counsel, London

Duc Tran
Angela Chow photo

Angela Chow

Senior Associate, London

Angela Chow
Miriam Everett Duc Tran Angela Chow