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This week saw a large number of COVID-19 restrictions ease across Australia, as we continue to progress back to the new normal.

More information on the various developments in the employment space this week are outlined below.

As always, a reminder that at any time you can access the most relevant COVID-19 legal insights from across our global network.

General Protections Benchbook

The General Protections Benchbook has been updated to provide guidance around employers mandating employees to download and/or use the COVIDSafe app.

You can find a link to the updated General Protections Benchbook here.

JobKeeper employers not subject to additional superannuation obligations

The Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Amendment (JobKeeper Payment) Regulations 2020 has passed Parliament. The new regulations confirms that employers should not be subject to additional superannuation guarantee obligations as a result of participating in the JobKeeper scheme (noting superannuation can still be payable where employees continue to work).

You can find a link to these new regulations here.

Updated state and territory government directions and declarations

A number of the Australian states and territories, including Victoria, NSW, WA and the ACT, have updated their statutory public health directions to extend the state of emergency declaration and have relaxed restrictions on the movement and congregation of persons, such as:

  • increasing the maximum number of persons allowed in food and drink premises;
  • allowing a greater number of people to congregate for indoor and outdoor gatherings; and
  • reopening gyms and kids sports.

In Victoria, the latest directions prohibit employers from permitting an employee to work from the employer’s premises, if it would be reasonably practicable for the employee to work from home.

You can find a link to the list of enforceable government directions across Australia here.

Updated COVID-19 Guidance

Comcare has officially updated its COVID-19 guidance to help employers and employees navigate the transition back to the workplace – including in relation to physical distancing, cleaning regimes and good personal hygiene.

You can view this updated guidance here.

COVID-19 Insights

Weekly webinar

This week, our Head Office Advisory Team provide you with practical insights in relation to key governance related issues currently facing companies as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and its broader impacts.

Join Carolyn Pugsley, Quentin Digby, Priscilla Bryans, Garth Riddell and Stefanie Wilkinson as they cover issues including market disclosure, dividends, AGM logistics, remuneration and incentives and top of mind issues for directors.

You can view the webinar or access the podcast here.

For more information on these topics, please contact:

Anna Creegan photo

Anna Creegan

Partner, Perth

Anna Creegan
Natalie Gaspar photo

Natalie Gaspar

Partner, Melbourne

Natalie Gaspar
Drew Pearson photo

Drew Pearson

Managing Partner, Sydney Office, Sydney

Drew Pearson

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Anna Creegan photo

Anna Creegan

Partner, Perth

Anna Creegan
Natalie Gaspar photo

Natalie Gaspar

Partner, Melbourne

Natalie Gaspar
Drew Pearson photo

Drew Pearson

Managing Partner, Sydney Office, Sydney

Drew Pearson
Anna Creegan Natalie Gaspar Drew Pearson