Employment Notes
Tag: arbitration
Showing 4 out of 4 results
16 May 2018
Is there a role for ADR in employment disputes?
The Global Pound Conference (GPC) Series is a unique and ambitious initiative to inform how civil and commercial disputes are resolved in the …
31 January 2018
UK: Arbitration - its growth, practical uses and limitations in an employment law context
There is a growing appetite to resolve employment disputes by arbitration. This is the finding of the UK Employment Lawyers Association (ELA) …
01 April 2016
UK: Arbitration and ADR in employment disputes
The Employment Lawyers' Association (ELA) has established an Arbitration and ADR Group to consider the level of interest in arbitration to resolve …
24 June 2014
Podcast: Arbitration of employment disputes
Arbitration in the UK of Employment Disputes - webinar Resolving employment disputes has traditionally been the domain of employment tribunals and …