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Tag: outsourcing

Showing 8 out of 8 results

07 February 2018

UK: Collective bargaining - no obligation on 'de facto' employer; risks of direct negotiation with employees

In Independent Workers Union of Great Britain v University of London the Central Arbitration Committee has decided that a union representing employees of …

26 April 2017

Asia: The Role of Unions

Unions are becoming increasingly prevalent across Asia. Here we take a look at which aspects of the employment relationship unions may be involved in …

17 February 2017

Updated HSF multi-jurisdictional guide to employee issues in business transfers

Employment law issues rarely determine the strategy for a multi-jurisdictional business acquisition, but they can certainly give rise to significant …

30 March 2015

Thailand: Outsourced workers' protection

Sub-contracting arrangements have often been favoured by business operators in Thailand to address fluctuating workforce needs and reduce labour costs. …

23 October 2013

Indonesia: Update on outsourcing

In our April e-bulletin, we provided an update on recent regulatory developments in Indonesia that limit outsourcing by companies by restricting the …

17 October 2013

UK: TUPE - Government plans for reform and the impact on outsourcings

One of the key issues on any outsourcing is what happens to the employees involved in the service.  The answer will be determined largely by the …

08 May 2013

Indonesia: Update on outsourcing

A recent regulation issued and enacted by the Minister of Manpower provides some clarification on when outsourcing activities may be implemented and …

09 July 2012

Case law developments on outsourcing and contract labour in Indonesia and Korea

The ability to use atypical workers through outsourcing or labour hire as a device for employers to avoid employment costs and liabilities is becoming …