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Tag: social media

Showing 11 out of 11 results

26 June 2018

APAC: Background Checks

This month, we consider whether employers can conduct background checks by way of social media/internet searches on prospective employees, focussing on …

06 January 2015

UK: Termination - dismissal for tweets from private account may be fair

It may be fair to dismiss an employee for posting offensive tweets on a personal Twitter account in the employee's own time, depending on the facts. In …

13 August 2014

China: Social Media posts recognised by PRC Courts as evidence in employment cases

Given the growing popularity of social media websites and applications in China, employees are increasingly releasing employment-related photographs and …

31 March 2014

Australia: Employee dismissed over Facebook conduct - FWC

The Fair Work Commission has recently upheld the dismissal of a manager due to inappropriate content on his personal Facebook page. The decision is …

15 January 2014

Australia: Misusing social media – where can employers draw the line?

The Full Federal Court has handed down its decision in Linfox Australia Pty Ltd v Fair Work Commission. The Full Court upheld the decision of the Full …

08 August 2013

Social Media use for Corporate Australia: "Understanding the opportunity and the risks"

Herbert Smith Freehills Partner Andrew Rich participates in a panel discussion on the use of social media in corporate Australia with Anne …

18 December 2012

Australia: Trial by media: a continuing trend

The recent dismissal of James Ashby’s sexual harassment case against former Speaker Peter Slipper concludes yet another example of ‘trial …

11 December 2012

Social media: caution required when disciplining for Facebook comments

Employers should not assume that they have the right to restrict an employee's freedom to express views on social media where these concern personal …

07 November 2012

New resources - October 2012

Home Office leaflets on forthcoming changes to Disclosure and Barring Acas guidance on the use of smartphones and other devices at work

15 October 2012

Australia: Anti-social media: Linfox Full Bench sets a framework for assessing misuse

  The Full Bench of Fair Work Australia has dismissed Linfox’s appeal against the reinstatement of an employee who was terminated …

05 April 2011

UK: Unfair dismissal - home computer use

Employer's policies on how employees use emails and other social media should apply to activities that could damage the employer's reputation even if …