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Companies operating in the Queensland energy and resources sector should prepare themselves for the commencement of these new laws and seek specific advice on the effect of these changes.

On 2 August 2012 the Queensland Parliament introduced the Mines Legislation (Streamlining) Amendment Bill 2012 (Qld) (Streamlining Bill) in an effort to cut red tape and streamline regulatory approval processes in the energy and resources sector.

The Streamlining Bill includes amendments to five pieces of Queensland resource legislation and aims to clarify the legislative framework relating to compulsory acquisition, tenure administration and approvals, health and safety and the emerging CSG/LNG industry.

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Greg Mulley photo

Greg Mulley

Partner, London

Greg Mulley
Sian Newnham photo

Sian Newnham

Partner, Brisbane

Sian Newnham
Patrick Leyden photo

Patrick Leyden

Partner, Johannesburg

Patrick Leyden
Laura Hulett photo

Laura Hulett

Partner, London

Laura Hulett