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Tag: developer

Showing 12 out of 37 results

25 July 2023

Time to act responsibly – DLUHC launches the Responsible Actors Scheme

19 January 2023

Real Estate risks and disputes on the horizon: are you Forearmed?

08 January 2020

Ring in the new? - planning update

07 May 2019

Construction Contract & Claims Management Podcast Series – EP2: Pitfalls of Suspending or Terminating a Construction Contract

17 April 2019

Agreements with Registered Providers: 5 Top Tips

21 March 2019

Changes confirmed to permitted development rights and use classes

05 March 2019

MCIL2 update - in force 1 April 2019

Last week, we published a post (see here) noting that the Mayoral Community Infrastructure Levy 2 ('MCIL2') was due to come into force on 1 April 2019, …

26 February 2019

In force soon - Mayoral Community Infrastructure Levy 2 (MCIL2)

17 October 2018

Landlords' motives for redevelopment – good, bad or irrelevant?

Today the Supreme Court will hear the case of S. Franses Ltd v The Cavendish Hotel (London) Limited, a case which property litigators have been following …

12 October 2018

Affordability, viability and clarity – the impact of valuation on supply of affordable housing

Viability is at the heart of the extent to which private developers can be expected to bridge the gap between demand for and supply of affordable …

12 September 2018

The importance of assignments: If you are purchasing a site for development, would you rely on a report your seller obtains in its favour then gives to you, stating that you can rely on it; the seller accepting no liability for its contents?

This blog post explores why purchasers should take an assignment or insist on other protection before relying on reports provided to them by others. If …

04 September 2018

Affordable Housing Back to Basics: What do the new NPPF and Draft London Plan modifications mean for affordable housing?

This blog post explores how the meaning of affordable housing has evolved following the publication of the revised National Planning Policy Framework …