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China has been actively developing and implementing policies to become a global leader in AI. The country's AI policy is comprehensive and strategic, aiming to balance the promotion of AI development with the need to address ethical and social challenges. The policy framework includes national and local initiatives, support for AI talent, ethical guidelines, and regulatory measures to ensure the safe and responsible use of AI technologies.

While China does not have unified AI regulations like Europe's AI Act, it has enacted various regulations on specific AI applications, such as recommendation algorithms, deep synthesis, and generative AI services, which address AI-generated content. In addition, various technical standards on AI issued by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) play an important role in AI regulations.

Various laws and regulations that do not specifically address AI but are applicable, such as data protection and intellectual property laws, also play a significant role.

In July 2017, China's State Council released the New Generation Artificial Intelligence Development Plan (AIDP) 《新一代人工智能发展规划》, which outlined China's goals to become the world leader in AI by 2030. The plan aims to monetise AI into a trillion-yuan (approximately 150 billion dollars) industry, and to emerge as a driving force in defining ethical norms and standards for AI.

Following the AIDP, various departments have successively issued guidelines and plans for promoting AI development and deployment:

  • In August 2019, the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) issued the Guidelines for the Construction of National New Generation Artificial Intelligence Open Innovation Platforms《国家新一代人工智能开放创新平台建设工作指引》, promoting the development of AI technology through open innovation platforms. In September 2020, MOST also revised and issued the Guidelines for National New Generation Artificial Intelligence Innovation and Development Pilot Zone Construction Work《国家新一代人工智能创新发展试验区建设工作指引(修订版)》, promoting AI innovation and enabling Chinese cities to apply to establish “national new generation AI innovation and development pilot zones.”
  • In January 2023, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) and 16 other government departments issued the Action Plan for “Robot +” Applications《“机器人+”应用行动实施方案》, which aims to expand the use of robotics across various industries. It focuses on increasing the density of manufacturing robots and promoting the development of service and special robots by 2025.
  • In August 2023, the National Information Security Standardisation Technical Committee (TC260) issued the Cybersecurity Standards Practice Guide - Methods for Identifying Content Generated by Artificial Intelligence Services《网络安全标准实践指南——生成式人工智能服务内容标识方法》, which provides methods for marking AI-generated content, including text, images, audio, and video. It aims to enhance content identification and assist regulatory oversight.
  • In May 2024, the Office of Central Cyberspace Affairs Commission (CAC), State Administration for Market Regulation (SAMR) and the MIIT jointly issued the new plan, namely, the Action Plan for the Construction of Informatization Standards (2024-2027) 《信息化标准建设行动计划(2024—2027年)》, which intends to "promote the development of application standards for artificial intelligence chips, automotive chips, and consumer electronics chips" and  "lay out standards in the field of emerging technologies."
  • In June 2024, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Office of the Central Cybersecurity and Information Technology Commission, National Development and Reform Commission, and Standardization Administration of China issued the Guidelines for the Construction of a Comprehensive Standardization System for the National AI Industry《国家人工智能产业综合标准化体系建设指南》, which require the framework of the AI standard system consists of seven standards and 33 minor standards.
  • In September 2024, the TC260 published the Framework for AI Safety Governance《人工智能安全治理框架》, providing a standardized approach to managing AI safety. The framework outlines principles for AI safety governance, identifies sources and forms of AI-related risks, and lays out measures for technical response and comprehensive prevention and control, aiming to ensure the safe, reliable, fair, and transparent development and application of AI technologies.

Algorithm, deep synthesis and generative AI services

China does not have unified AI regulations, but it has enacted various regulations on specific AI applications, such as recommendation algorithms, deep synthesis, and generative AI services, which address AI-generated content.

In addition, various technical standards on AI issued by the TC260 play an important role in AI regulations, including:

  • The Guiding Opinions on Strengthening the Comprehensive Governance of Algorithms Related to Internet Information Services《关于加强互联网信息服务算法综合治理的指导意见》, issued in September 2021 by the Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC) and other seven authorities, aims to establish a robust governance and regulatory system to ensure the fair, just, and transparent application of algorithms. Enterprises are required to implement algorithm safety responsibility systems, enhance risk prevention and control, disclose basic principles and decision-making standards of algorithms, and prevent algorithm abuse to maintain order in cyberspace, markets, and society.
  • The Administrative Provisions on Recommendation Algorithms in Internet-based Information Services 《互联网信息服务算法推荐管理规定》issued in December 2021, which requires algorithmic recommendation service providers to fulfil their responsibilities for algorithmic security, establish and improve management systems, formulate and disclose relevant rules for algorithm recommendation services, and be equipped with professional staff and technical support appropriate to the scale of the algorithm recommendation services.
  • The Administrative Provisions on Deep Synthesis of Internet-based Information Services 《互联网信息服务深度合成管理规定》issued in November 2022 to strengthen the management of deep synthesis technology, requiring service providers to fulfil information security responsibilities, establish mechanisms for algorithm review and ethical scrutiny, and ensure secure and controllable technical safeguards.
  • The Provisional Measures for the Administration of Generative Artificial Intelligence Services《生成式人工智能服务管理暂行办法》 issued in July 2023, to promote the healthy and regulated application of generative AI, outlining service providers' responsibilities such as ensuring information security and preventing discrimination.
  • The Measures for Labelling Artificial Intelligence Generated Synthetic Contents (Draft for Comment) 《人工智能生成合成内容标识办法(征求意见稿)》 issued in September 2024, to standardise the labelling of AI-generated synthetic content, specifying labelling requirements and management requirements for content dissemination platforms.
  • The AI Security Governance Framework 1.0《人工智能安全治理框架1.0released in September 2024 by the TC260 on Cybersecurity to implement the Global Al Governance Initiative. In addition, the TC260 issued a consultation on the AI Security Standard System 1.0《人工智能安全标准体系1.0 in January 2025 to support the implementation of the AI Security Governance Framework, which closed on February 21, 2025.

From consumer protection law to online safety, AI continues to stretch existing legal frameworks. See the latest updates below.

China has implemented several regulations to ensure the ethical and safe development of AI.

The Cybersecurity Standards Practice Guide - Guidelines for Preventing Ethical and Safety Risks in Artificial Intelligence《网络安全标准实践指南人工智能伦理安全风险防范指引》, issued in June 2021, provides comprehensive guidance for organizations and individuals on preventing ethical and safety risks in AI activities, while the Code of Ethics for the New Generation Artificial Intelligence《新一代人工智能伦理规范》, issued in June 2021, integrates ethical principles into the AI lifecycle, promoting fairness, justice, and safety while avoiding bias and privacy issues.

China emphasises stakeholder responsibility in the ethical development of AI through the Opinions on Strengthening the Governance of Scientific and Technological Ethics 《关于加强科技伦理治理的意见》, issued in March 2022, which aims to enhance the governance of scientific and technological ethics and establishes mechanisms for ethical management. The Measures for the Review of Sci-tech Ethics (for Trial Implementation) 《科技伦理审查办法(试行)》, introduced in January 2023, further specifies the scope, procedures, and responsibilities for ethical reviews in scientific and technological activities, ensuring compliance and safety.

China's data protection regulatory regime consists of three key laws: the Cyber Security Law (CSL), the Data Security Law (DSL), and the Personal Information Protection Law (PIPL), along with various regulations and technical standards:

  • The Cybersecurity Law《网络安全法》, issued in June 2016, mandates that network operators, including those providing generative AI services, comply with cybersecurity obligations to manage risks.
  • The Data Security Law《数据安全法》, enacted in September 2021, regulates data processing activities, emphasizing data classification, risk assessment, and the protection of data security, which is crucial for AI technologies that rely on large datasets.
  • The Personal Information Protection Law《个人信息保护法》, enacted in August 2021, regulates personal information processing activities, requiring that the collection of personal information should be limited to the minimum scope and the processing of personal information should have a clear and necessary purpose using methods that have the least impact on personal rights and interests.

While there are no specific regulations solely for AI data, it is addressed in various regulations. For example, the Regulation on Network Data Security Management 《网络数据安全管理条例》, introduced in January 2024, specifically requires that a network data handler providing generative AI services shall strengthen its security management of training data and training data handling activities and take effective measures to prevent and dispose of network data security risks.

In addition, the TC260 issued a series of national standards, providing specifications and guidance for the application of AI technology including:

  1. Information security technology—General requirements for biometric information protection《信息安全技术 生物特征识别信息保护基本要求》
  2. Information Security Technology - Security Requirements for Facial Recognition Data《信息安全技术 人脸识别数据安全要求》
  3. Information Security Technology - Security Requirements for Automotive Data Processing《信息安全技术 汽车数据处理安全要求》
  4. Cybersecurity Technology - Security Specifications for Data Annotation in Generative Artificial Intelligence《网络安全技术 生成式人工智能数据标注安全规范》
  5. Cybersecurity Technology - Security Specifications for Pre-training and Optimisation Training Data in Generative Artificial Intelligence《网络安全技术 生成式人工智能预训练和优化训练数据安全规范》
  6. Information Security Technology — Security Requirements of Voiceprint Recognition Data《信息安全技术 声纹识别数据安全要求》
  7. Information Security Technology — Security Requirements of Gait Recognition Data《信息安全技术 步态识别数据安全要求》

China has established regulations to protect intellectual property (IP) and trade secrets, including certain basic laws as well as guidelines in the field of AI.

The Copyright Law《著作权法》, promulgated by the NPC Standing Committee in  September 1990 and last amended in November 2020, and the Regulations for Implementation of the Copyright Law《著作权法实施条例》,  promulgated by the State Council in August 2002 and last amended in January 2013, provide that Chinese citizens, legal persons, or other organisations enjoy copyright protection for their works, whether published or not, in fields which include works of literature, art, natural science, social science, engineering technology, and computer software. 

The Guidelines for Patent Applications Related to Artificial Intelligence (Trial) 《人工智能相关发明专利申请指引(试行)》, issued in December 2024 by the China National Intellectual Property Administration, provides detailed instructions for patent applications in the AI field. These guidelines cover types of patent applications, identification of inventors, standards for patentable subject matter, sufficient disclosure in the specification, considerations of inventiveness, and ethical issues. The guidelines emphasize that patent applications should reflect technical means to solve specific technical problems, inventors must be natural persons, and the specification should describe the technical solution in detail to enable implementation by skilled personnel.

The Anti-Unfair Competition Law of the People’s Republic of China《反不正当竞争法》, enacted in April 2019 by the National People’s Congress, defines “trade secrets” as technical and business information that is not known to the public, has commercial value, and is subject to confidentiality measures by the rights holder. Generative AI technologies, which involve data resources for training or learning, are closely related to trade secrets. Information related to large models during training, fine-tuning, and inference processes includes code, algorithms, and data.

On 10 February 2025, the Hangzhou Internet Court ruled in favor of Tsuburaya Productions, finding the defendant's AI platform liable for copyright infringement in allowing users to train and share models based on copyrighted material. The court ordered the platform to cease infringing activities and pay RMB 30,000 in damages.

China has implemented stringent regulations to control the export of AI technologies, ensuring their responsible use and preventing national security risks.

The Regulations on the Administration of Technology Import and Export 《技术进出口管理条例》, issued in November 2022 , and the Catalogue of Technologies Prohibited or Restricted from Export by China《中国禁止出口限制出口技术目录》, issued in December 2023, restricts certain AI related technologies on exports such as:

  • Network early warning linkage response technology for large-scale network.
  • Speech synthesis technology dedicated to Chinese and minority languages.
  • AI interactive interface technology specialised in Chinese and minority languages.
  • Intelligent examination paper scoring technology specially used for Chinese and minority languages.
  • Personalised information push service technology based on data analysis.

The Regulations on the Export Control of Dual-use Items《两用物项出口管制条例》, issued in September 2024 by the State Council, serve as an important supporting rule for the Export Control Law. These regulations apply to the transit, transshipment, transportation, re-export, and export from special customs supervision areas or bonded areas of dual-use items.

The Export Control List of Dual-use Items of the People's Republic of China《两用物项出口管制清单》, issued in November 2024 by the Ministry of Commerce, includes items from various fields such as information technology, communication technology, AI, and quantum computing. The list specifically covers AI and automation technologies, quantum technologies, and semiconductor technologies.

China has established several key regulations to govern foreign direct investment (FDI), ensuring a stable and transparent environment for foreign investors:

  • The Foreign Investment Law《外商投资法》, adopted in March 2019 by the National People’s Congress and effective from 1 January 2020, ensures that foreign investors receive treatment no less favourable than domestic investors, adhering to the principle of “national treatment” throughout the investment lifecycle, including in the AI sector.
  • The Catalogue of Encouraged Industries for Foreign Investment (Edition 2022) 《鼓励外商投资产业目录(2022年版)》issued by the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) and the Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) in October 2022 and effective in January 2023, and The Special Administrative Measures (Negative List) for Foreign Investment Access (Edition 2024) issued in September 2024 by NDRC and MOFCOM and effective in November 2024《外商投资准入特别管理措施(负面清单)(2024年版), categorise industries into “encouraged”, “restricted”, and “prohibited". The Encouraging Catalogue and the Negative List are subject to review and update by the Chinese government from time to time. Under the current Encouraging Catalogue, certain AI technologies are listed as encouraged industries for foreign investment, such as manufacturing of AI-assisted medical equipment, wearable intelligent health equipment, medical imaging intelligent auxiliary diagnosis systems, manufacturing of smart consumer equipment such as wearable smart devices and smart unmanned aerial vehicles, research and development on the AI technologies including intelligent devices, robotics, neural network chips, and neuron sensors.
  • The Measures for the Security Review of Foreign Investments《外商投资安全审查办法》, issued in December 2020 by the NDRC and the MOC, requires a security review on the foreign investors that affect or may affect national security, which include the investments in military industry, military industrial supporting and other fields relating to the security of national defence, and investment in important agricultural products, important energy and resources, important equipment manufacturing, important infrastructure, important transport services, important cultural products and services, important information technology and Internet products and services, important financial services, key technologies and other important fields relating to national security, and obtaining the actual controlling stake in the investee enterprise.

Autonomous driving

China has implemented several key regulations to govern the development and application of autonomous driving technologies, including AI-enabled autonomous driving technologies:

  • The Administration of Road Tests and Demonstrative Application of Intelligent and Connected Vehicles (for Trial Implementation) 《智能网联汽车道路测试与示范应用管理规范(试行)》, issued in July 2021 by the MIIT, regulates road tests and demonstrative applications of intelligent and connected vehicles within China. It specifies requirements for test entities, drivers, and vehicles, and outlines the application and management processes for testing.
  • The Opinions on Strengthening the Administration of Access of Intelligent Connected Vehicle Manufacturers and Products《关于加强智能网联汽车生产企业及产品准入管理的意见》, issued in July 2021 by the MIIT, strengthens the access management of intelligent connected vehicle manufacturers and products. It ensures data security, network security, software upgrades, functional safety, and expected functional safety.
  • The Pilot Program of Market Access and Road Passage for Intelligent Connected Vehicles《关于开展智能网联汽车准入和上路通行试点工作的通知》, issued in November 2023 by the MIIT, outlines the overall requirements and objectives for pilot work. It emphasizes promoting the functionality and performance of intelligent connected vehicle products while ensuring safety.
  • The Safety Guideline for the Use of Autonomous Vehicles in Transportation Services (For Trial Implementation) 《自动驾驶汽车运输安全服务指南(试行)》, issued in November 2023 by the Ministry of Transport, guides the development of autonomous driving technology and regulates its application in transportation services. It covers the scope, basic principles, application scenarios, requirements for transportation operators, vehicle standards, personnel allocation, safety measures, and supervision.


China has implemented regulations to ensure the safe and effective use of artificial intelligence (AI) in the medical field.

The Regulations for the Management of Artificial Intelligence-Assisted Diagnostic Technology《人工智能辅助诊断技术管理规范》, issued in December 2017 by the National Health Commission, aims to standardise the clinical application of AI-assisted diagnostic technology, ensuring medical quality and safety. These regulations apply to medical institutions and their personnel, covering basic requirements for institutions and staff, technical management, and training management.

The Guidelines for the Registration and Review of Artificial Intelligence Medical Devices《人工智能医疗器械注册审查指导原则》, issued in March 2022 by the National Medical Products Administration (NMPA), covers the definition, types, algorithm updates, risk management, and lifecycle quality control of AI medical devices. The guidelines specify quality control requirements for key aspects such as data collection, algorithm design, validation, and verification, and provide detailed technical considerations and supplementary instructions for registration applications. These guidelines apply to Class II and Class III standalone AI software and medical devices containing AI software components, aiming to ensure the safety and effectiveness of these products.

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Justina Zhang photo

Justina Zhang

Partner, Kewei, Mainland China

Justina Zhang
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Alizee Zheng

Senior Associate, Mainland China

Alizee Zheng

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