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Our September update covers the following:

  • upcoming changes in Singapore, including workplace discrimination and the requirement to notify the Ministry of Manpower of any retrenchments (a change from the previous requirement to notify after 5 employees had been made redundant in a six month period) - see here
  • changes to the PRC social security regime for foreign employees in Shanghai – check our bilingual article to see whether you need to enrol your employees
  • in Malaysia a recent decision of the Ipoh High Court considered whether an employee who signed a mutual separation agreement could still claim wrongful dismissal (spoiler alert: the answer is no) - see the case update
  • our compliance check looks at record keeping obligations in the Philippines
  • the Asia Comparative Article continues with our four-part series on health and safety obligations across the region and looks at key notification and reporting obligations across Singapore, Hong Kong, Indonesia and Thailand.

If you missed our energy, construction and infrastructure focussed vaccinations webinar, you can access the recording here.

Recognising the need for workplaces to develop responses to domestic violence, United Women Singapore has launched an informational handbook for employers as part of its advocacy for gender safe workspaces. Herbert Smith Freehills worked pro bono on this project, and we are delighted to support the launch of the handbook on 1st October. For further details, please click here.


Key Contacts:

Gillian Miao photo

Gillian Miao

Counsel, Kewei, Mainland China

Gillian Miao

Key contacts

Gillian Miao photo

Gillian Miao

Counsel, Kewei, Mainland China

Gillian Miao
Gillian Miao