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Showing 120 out of 261 results
UK: Salary - Supreme Court rules on calculation of daily pay rate
Employers should set out in the employment contract how the daily rate of pay of an employee on an annual salary is to be calculated for various …
UK: Statutory holiday pay claims - EAT upholds time limits
Employers will welcome a recent EAT ruling in relation to claims for statutory holiday pay, which must be brought within three months of the end of each …
Australia: Wage theft and non-compliance of the Superannuation Guarantee
The Senate Economics References Committee has released its report 'Superbad – Wage theft and non-compliance of the Superannuation Guarantee' following …
Spain: Increase in the basis used to calculate the severance payment for dismissal
On 3 May 2017, the Spanish Supreme Court (the “Supreme Court”) issued a judgment in which it declared that employer’s contributions to (i) medical …
France: New obligation in relation to the social security coverage of employees seconded to work in France
In principle, an employee is covered by the social security regime which is applicable in the country where he is carrying out his work – ie, employees …
Australia: Have you updated your salary sacrifice policy?
Employers may need to review their salary sacrifice policies as from 1 July 2017 due to changes to the superannuation rules. The most significant change …
Germany: Act to Promote Transparency of Pay Structures (Entgelttransparenzgesetz)
On 30 March 2017 the German Parliament (Bundestag) passed the Act to Promote Transparency of Pay Structures (Entgelttransparenzgesetz). The objective of …
Australia: Wages trends in enterprise bargaining - latest data
The 'Trends in Federal Enterprise Bargaining' report for October-December 2016 was released by the Department of Employment this week. Across the …
UK: Gender pay gap reporting - revised final Acas/GEO Guidance published
A revised, final version of the non-statutory guidance by Acas and the Government Equalities Office was published on 3 April 2017, available here. …
UK: Workplace loans - employers should make repayment terms clear and comprehensive
Employers should ensure that agreements providing employees with loans to pay for season tickets, equipment, training courses etc clearly state when the …
UK: independent review recommends employers publish workforce data broken down by race and pay band
The independent Baroness McGregor-Smith Review into race in the workplace was published on 28 February 2017. It sets out evidence that people …
UK: Discretionary benefits - how absolute is an employer’s discretion?
It is tempting, when seeing the words ‘any bonus payment shall be at the company's absolute discretion’ in an employment contract to think that the …
Showing 120 out of 261 results
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