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Showing 1,536 out of 1,776 results
Arthur Ma Joins Herbert Smith Freehills' Global Arbitration Practice
The Global Arbitration Practice is pleased to announce that Arthur Ma is joining the international arbitration team in Beijing as Counsel …
Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal Confirms Principle of Indemnity Costs for Unsuccessful Set Aside Application
In the latest instalment of Pacific China Holdings Ltd (in Liquidation) v Grand Pacific Holdings Ltd, the Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal has confirmed …
Pakistan Supreme Court declares a contract – and the arbitration clause within that contract – void on public policy grounds
In a decision earlier this year the Pakistan Supreme Court declared that a joint venture agreement between a local development authority and BHP for the …
Recent Developments in India-related international arbitration
Herbert Smith Freehills has issued its latest Indian International Arbitration e-bulletin. The e-bulletin considers two decisions of the Delhi High Court …
Sharing it with the class – a review of recent US Supreme Court decisions on class action arbitration
The US Supreme Court recently issued two key decisions regarding the enforceability of class arbitration waivers and arbitrators' powers to interpret …
South Africa terminates its bilateral investment treaty with Spain: Second BIT terminated, as part of South Africa's planned review of its investment treaties.
On 23 June 2013, South Africa served a notice of termination in respect of its BIT with Spain, thus ensuring that the investment treaty will terminate on …
Launch of Europe's largest telecoms satellite presents astronomical opportunities for space arbitration rules
The recent successful launch of the world's most advanced telecommunications satellite, Alphasat I-4A F4, from French Guiana represents a landmark moment …
Application to remove arbitrators for bias – not on District Court's watch
In a robust judgment, the US District Court of the Southern District of New York has rejected PK Time's application to remove two arbitrators for alleged …
Recent sanctions developments: EU relaxes certain Syrian sanctions and amends measures relating to North Korea, Iran and Tunisia; US relaxes Myanmar sanctions
The EU has recently published a new Regulation (Regulation 697/2013 of 22 July 2013 ("Regulation 697/2013")) which amends Regulation 36/2012, the key …
Arbitration in Africa: Recent developments
The Court of Appeal of the Lagos Judicial Division recently issued a pro-arbitration decision holding that courts may only intervene in arbitral …
Arbitration in England – a new Kluwer Law International title co-edited by Herbert Smith Freehills
Earlier this week, Kluwer Law International, the leading international legal publisher, launched a new monograph in its international arbitration series …
When will sanctions frustrate an agreement?
A recent judgment of the English Commercial Court has highlighted the issue of the effect of new sanctions legislation upon contractual obligations, and …
Showing 1,536 out of 1,776 results
View moreKey contacts

Simon Chapman KC
Partner, Regional Head of Practice - Dispute Resolution, Asia, Global Co-Head of International Arbitration, Hong Kong

Andrew Cannon
Partner, Global Co-Head of International Arbitration and of Public International Law, London

Christian Leathley
Partner, Co-Head of the Latin America Group, Co-Head of the Public International Law Group, US Head of International Arbitration, London