All blog posts
Showing 1,104 out of 1,150 results
UK: Wages - no obligation to pay wages to employee remanded in custody
An employee who is unable to work due to being remanded in custody pending a criminal trial is not "unavoidably" prevented from working and so cannot …
UK: Compensation - career-long loss and apportionment of discrimination damages
In most cases, future loss of earnings should only be awarded until an employee is likely to obtain an equivalent job; career-long compensation will only …
UK: Final agency worker guidance
BIS's (non-statutory) guidance on the Agency Worker Regulations (coming into force on 1 October 2011) was published in final form on 6 May – and then …
UK: New resources - May 2011
revised CIPD/TUC guide on Managing Age reflecting the removal of the default retirement age and other changes. the HMRC apparently no longer …
UK: Redundancy scores - EAT confirms that inflating score of woman on maternity leave may be unlawful
When scoring redundancy candidates against selection criteria based on performance, it may be unlawful to use a period when the woman is on leave and …
UK: Statutory compromise agreements - advice may be given in group presentation if incorporated into individual advice
Employers can use group presentations to provide some of the necessary advice on statutory compromise agreements, provided those presentations are …
UK: Unfair dismissal - employers need medical opinion before relying on evidence suggesting illness is fake
Where covertly filmed evidence would suggest to a lay person that an employee is feigning illness, employers should not take disciplinary action without …
UK: Philosophical belief - belief in the higher purpose of public service broadcasting is protected
An employee's belief that public service broadcasting has the higher purpose of "promoting cultural interchange and social cohesion" is a philosophical …
UK: Time off - application of lateness policy may be unlawful detriment
Employers should ensure that their timekeeping or absence policies are not inconsistent with statutory rights to time off, and that managers operating …
UK: Draft guidance on the agency worker regulations
A two week consultation period on the draft ended on 15 April 2011 and the final version is expected in the next few days. We will publish a detailed …
UK: Changes to the national minimum wage from 1 October 2011
The government has announced changes to the national minimum wage from 1 October 2011. The hourly rate will increase to £6.08 for workers aged 21, £4.98 …
UK: New resources - April 2011
The Criminal Records Bureau website is closing at the end of April 2011; information for employers is now on the Business Link website. A …
Showing 1,104 out of 1,150 results
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